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  • Email mirakhtar.r@gmail.com
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Research Papers Published

  • "Geochemistry of sedimentary rocks from Permian–Triassic boundary sections of Tethys Himalaya: implications for paleo-weathering, provenance, and tectonic setting" Acta Geochimica, 35(4): 428 -436 {ISSN: 2096-0956} Impact Factor= 0
  • "Petrography and Primary Volcanic Features of the Panjal Traps of Lidderwat Section in Pahalgam, Kashmir (NW- Himalaya)" Journal of Himalayan Ecology and Sustainable Development, 13(0): 96 -106 {ISSN: 0973-7502} Impact Factor=
  • "Geochemistry of Dalma Metavolcanic Suite from Proterozoic Singhbhum Mobile Belt, Eastern India: Implications for Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting." Journal of Geological Society of India, 94(4): 351 -358 {ISSN: 0974-6889} Impact Factor= 0.99
  • "Provenance and paleo-weathering of Paleoproterozoic siliciclastic sedimentary rocks of Bijawar Group, Sonrai Basin, Uttar Pradesh, India using a geochemical approach" Journal of Sedimentary Environments, 5(4): 399 -412 {ISSN: 2662-5571} Impact Factor= 0
  • "Characteristics of Geosites for Promotion and Development of Geotourism in Ladakh, India" Geoheritage, 15(105): DOI No. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371 {ISSN: 1867-2485} Impact Factor= 3.3
  • "Developments in analytical techniques for chemostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, and geochemical fingerprinting studies: Current status and future trends" Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 129(104528): DOI No. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsam {ISSN: 1873-0647} Impact Factor= 2.0
  • "Subduction zone characteristics of the Nidar Ophiolite Complex, Eastern Ladakh, India – Geochemical constraints" Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 198(3): 257 -273 {ISSN: 2363-7161} Impact Factor= 0.6
  • "Pillow basalts of Early Permian Panjal traps from Guryul Ravine, Kashmir, JK, India: A geoheritage site" Geoheritage, 16(22): DOI No. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371 {ISSN: 1867-2485} Impact Factor= 3.3

Books Published

  • "Geochemistry and Mineral Resources/ Proterozoic Newer Dolerite Dyke Swarm Magmatism in the Singhbhum Craton, Eastern India". Intech Open Limited,5 Princes Gate Court, London, SW7 2QJ, UNITED KINGDOM. {ISBN: 978-1-80355-775-5} pp 152

Research Projects Details:

Title of the ProjectFunding AgencyDatedAmount (in Rs.)
Geochemistry of the Panjal Traps in parts of Kashmir valley (NW Himalaya), North India: Petrogenetic and tectonic implications• DST, SERB, New Delhi01-10-20141,880,000.00
Geochemistry of the Panjal Traps in parts of Kashmir valley (NW Himalaya), North India: Petrogenetic and tectonic implicationsSERB-DST23-09-20191,880,000.00


DepartmentSubjectCourse TaughtSemester
Earth SciencesMSc Applied GeologyIgneous Petrology2
Earth SciencesMSc Applied GeologyEarth Surface Processes4